Our clients

A short list of some of our clients


ArtSceneLutins web site Art Scène Lutins: Theatrical association – web site creation.
Christian ERNST web site Christian ERNST: Kitchen Chef, Consulting on  gastronomy – web site creation, with newsletter management and clickable dynamic zone.
etic-securite Etic Sécurité: client of our  mAlert  system ( to geolocalise persons who activated a distress signal from their smartphone (Android).
kartingprovence Kartin Provence Indoor: installation and configuration of ERP software Sollo (for sales management) and software creation to manage till sessions (linked to Sollo).
Palace Automobile Marseille web site Palace Automobile Marseille: Car repairs multi-services in Marseilles

  • creation of a new web site (from an existing site) with new functions (latest news, used cars ads on LeBonCoin.fr …)
  • management of all workstations, servers (file server and application server), hardware (printers …) and networking (2 switch and cabling).
 sollo-fr sollo.fr: for sollo software the ERP of SMB

  • new web site creation
  • sollo consultant for many clients: installation, configuration, ad-hoc development …