If you are still with Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 8, you can still migrate to Windows 10 … but in 2018, it will be too late (may be) !
Free update to Windows 10
In theories, the offer to migrate to Windows 10 for free has expired … but in reality, you can go the page dedicated to assistive technologies … that anybody can use !
On that page, the expiration date for the offer is 31st December 2017 !
Should you update to Windows 10
I won’t speak here about the controversy on Windows 10 confidentiality issues: you will find plenty of references on the web !
Bottom line: by default Windows 10 publishes a lot of information, but by changing parameters (as described on techradar for instance) you can reduce that to something acceptable.
If you are a Windows 8, you should migrate to Windows 10: this new version has improved quite a few things
If you are a Windows 7 user it’s not as simple as usage is quite different. And there were a few bugs, when Windows 10 came out. That’s why I use not to recommend to update to Windows 10. But, now, standard support (new features) on Windows 7 has stopped since January 2015, and extended support (security updates) will stop by January 14th, 2020.
Bottom line: if you want to keep your computer more than 2 years and it’s still on Windows 7, you’d better update to Windows 10.
Happy migration to Windows 10 ! ! !