A new study from Crucial (in French), states that more 40% of interrogated persons loose the equivalent of 14 days of work a year because of computing malfunctions.
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The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software OpenERP switches name to Odoo.
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We will be at the OpenERP Tour On April, 7th in Marseilles. OpenERP is on the roads to demonstrate the latest version of its OpenSource ERP … which is more and more impressive. Not only the ERP functionalities are implemented in all domains with a User Interface really smooth. But now, there is a bluffing CMS: all is done directly on the page, drawing the different zones and columns with the mouse. We shall see how it goes in real life ! !
As you can see, our web site has got a new look ! You will find the contents of the previous web site and some new ! Happy surfing ! 😉